
Nov 02 2024


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Tennessee Aquarium IMAX 3D Theater
201 Chestnut St, Chattanooga, TN 37402



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Sea Sprouts: Rocks + Air

Create memories with your little one while exploring the wonders of the natural world at The Tennessee Aquarium!
The program is a 5-week series that provides children ages 3-4 the opportunity to learn about nature in a safe, fun, and developmentally appropriate environment. You can choose all five classes within the series or only those that fit within your schedule.
Sea Sprouts classes could include story time, sensory play, exploration stations, animal encounters, and take-home crafts. Each class is specifically created for hands-on interactive and play-based learning for you and your sea sprout.
One adult must accompany registered children.
Non-members: $15/class; $70 for all 5 weeks
Members and staff will receive special discounts. Look out for more information in member emails!
We are expanding and now offering both a Saturday session and a Wednesday session! Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 10:00 – 11:00 am ET or Saturdays from 1-2 pm ET between October 19 – November 20.
Each session will operate independently, and you can register for either the Saturday or the Wednesday session, but not both.

Week 3 (Nov. 2 or Nov. 6): Rocks + Air

Sea Sprouts will develop fine motor skills by sorting, building, and discovering creatures that live among rocks. Through experimentation and play, they’ll also explore the invisible world of air within our habitats, observing its causes and effects.

Sea Sprouts: Rocks + Air

Create memories with your little one while exploring the wonders of the natural world at The Tennessee Aquarium!
The program is a 5-week series that provides children ages 3-4 the opportunity to learn about nature in a safe, fun, and developmentally appropriate environment. You can choose all five classes within the series or only those that fit within your schedule.
Sea Sprouts classes could include story time, sensory play, exploration stations, animal encounters, and take-home crafts. Each class is specifically created for hands-on interactive and play-based learning for you and your sea sprout.
One adult must accompany registered children.
Non-members: $15/class; $70 for all 5 weeks
Members and staff will receive special discounts. Look out for more information in member emails!
We are expanding and now offering both a Saturday session and a Wednesday session! Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 10:00 – 11:00 am ET or Saturdays from 1-2 pm ET between October 19 – November 20.
Each session will operate independently, and you can register for either the Saturday or the Wednesday session, but not both.

Week 3 (Nov. 2 or Nov. 6): Rocks + Air

Sea Sprouts will develop fine motor skills by sorting, building, and discovering creatures that live among rocks. Through experimentation and play, they’ll also explore the invisible world of air within our habitats, observing its causes and effects.


Nov 02 2024


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Tennessee Aquarium IMAX 3D Theater
201 Chestnut St, Chattanooga, TN 37402



Event Website

More Information

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