
Jun 17 2021


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


The Tap House
3800 St. Elmo Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37409

Trails to Ales

Thursdays at 6pm

Trails To Ales is a group trail run or hike from the Tap House in St Elmo each Thursday starting at 6:00pm. Each of these courses have shorter options that you can see for yourself if you have ViewRanger loaded on your smart phone. We strongly urge you to load this app on your phone and learn how to use it. Someone from Wild Trails that is familiar with ViewRanger will be there early to help anyone with this fantastic tool. It is by far the best wayfinding app out there and if you get to know it, it will make your adventures into the woods safer and help you feel more confident. At the least, you can pull up the map on your computer and print it so you can carry it with you.

These group runs/hikes will start each month with an easy one and will get progressively harder each week. Please do not be intimidated. You will not be pressured in any way to do the whole distance. Do yourself a favor and start the week off with a challenge with friends and the Tap House will reward all with $1 off each pint.
1st Thursday of each month – Glen Falls Loop 5 miles
2nd – King of Lookout Mtn 3 miles
3rd – Little Mamma 9 miles
4th – Mountain Beautiful 8 miles
If there is a 5th Thursday in the month, we will have a surprise route and will post a separate Meetup for that one.

Trails to Ales

Thursdays at 6pm

Trails To Ales is a group trail run or hike from the Tap House in St Elmo each Thursday starting at 6:00pm. Each of these courses have shorter options that you can see for yourself if you have ViewRanger loaded on your smart phone. We strongly urge you to load this app on your phone and learn how to use it. Someone from Wild Trails that is familiar with ViewRanger will be there early to help anyone with this fantastic tool. It is by far the best wayfinding app out there and if you get to know it, it will make your adventures into the woods safer and help you feel more confident. At the least, you can pull up the map on your computer and print it so you can carry it with you.

These group runs/hikes will start each month with an easy one and will get progressively harder each week. Please do not be intimidated. You will not be pressured in any way to do the whole distance. Do yourself a favor and start the week off with a challenge with friends and the Tap House will reward all with $1 off each pint.
1st Thursday of each month – Glen Falls Loop 5 miles
2nd – King of Lookout Mtn 3 miles
3rd – Little Mamma 9 miles
4th – Mountain Beautiful 8 miles
If there is a 5th Thursday in the month, we will have a surprise route and will post a separate Meetup for that one.


Jun 17 2021


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


The Tap House
3800 St. Elmo Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37409

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