- Jul 30 2021
- Expired!
- 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Salsa, Bachata & Merengue Night- Instruction+Dance!
July 30 from 7-9pm
Back at it after an extended break, and ready to dance dance dance to make up for lost time 🙂 This event is over two hours of latin dancing (yeees)! The approach at this event is to have periods of instruction of basic steps in the dances that are followed by times where you dance to music for practice. There will be 20 minutes of instruction, followed by 20 minutes of dancing to help ingrain what was taught. That process of instruction + dancing will be repeated throughout the evening. It is $20 per person to get introduced to some fun steps in Merengue, Bachata, and Salsa and trying them out to music, starting at 7pm on Friday, July 30th. The event lasts until 9pm. No dance experience is needed for this! If you have a little background in these latin club dances and want a refresher/chance to dance, this is also for you! Contact us with questions 🙂
Salsa, Bachata & Merengue Night- Instruction+Dance!
July 30 from 7-9pm
Back at it after an extended break, and ready to dance dance dance to make up for lost time 🙂 This event is over two hours of latin dancing (yeees)! The approach at this event is to have periods of instruction of basic steps in the dances that are followed by times where you dance to music for practice. There will be 20 minutes of instruction, followed by 20 minutes of dancing to help ingrain what was taught. That process of instruction + dancing will be repeated throughout the evening. It is $20 per person to get introduced to some fun steps in Merengue, Bachata, and Salsa and trying them out to music, starting at 7pm on Friday, July 30th. The event lasts until 9pm. No dance experience is needed for this! If you have a little background in these latin club dances and want a refresher/chance to dance, this is also for you! Contact us with questions 🙂
- Jul 30 2021
- Expired!
- 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm